How To Use the Tool
1. New User Registration
You will receive an email with the link to access the tool when it is up to your turn.
You should see a blank page when you first login/access the tool.
Click on the New User Registration button, fill in your name/nickname, and click "Save" upon complying with the terms of use. You should refresh the tool, then you will be redirected to your profile page and the tool is ready to use!
2. Profile Page
Your profile page includes your name, email, profile picture, points, and validity date.
You can edit your profile details like name and picture via the "EDIT" button.
Your account validity is based on the number of points, each point will grant you 1 day of validity. New users are granted 30 points (30 days) for free. To earn points, add an item, or a price to an item and make sure that the information you inputted is valid. Another to earn points or extend your validity date is through an account upgrade or payment. Refer to How to Extend Validity for more information.
You will get warnings and account bans if your inputs are incorrect or spam, or if you are violating
the terms of use.
3. Input Records
The input Record page allows you to view back the records of your pricing input. You can search the records by clicking on the "Magnifying" icon on the top right. Simply input the name of the item or filter the search or even search via barcode (if you access the tool via AppSheet apps).
Just click on any of the items and it will bring you to the individual pricing page with more details.
To compare the price of an item, refer to (4) Items.
Click on the "+" button to add new price data.
4. Items
The Items page allows you to compare the price of an item in different stores based on input from the community and you.
Simply click on an item and it will bring you to the Item Details page, scroll to the bottom and click on the "View" button to compare all the prices across States and Stores. The pricing in bold shows the promotional prices.
Click on the "+" button to add new price data.
5. Stores
The Store page list down all the available stores in the system. Click on the "+" button to add new store in the system and fill-up with the store information like operating hours, address, contact email or number.
Clicking the individual store will lead you to Store Details page where all the history of price for the items in the store is listed.
6. Shopping List
The Shopping List page is a function that allows you to add your shopping list easily so that you can refer to it while shopping.
Click on the "+" button to add a new item to your shopping list. Click on the pencil icon to edit it, while clicking the square box will mark the item as done/undone.
If you are the owner of the shopping list item, you can see a "paper airplane" icon which allow you to share the shopping list to another user via their email address registered in the Price Compare Tool. The user are allowed to check done/undone or edit the Shopping List item but not able to delete it.
7. Side Panels
There are also some functions hidden in the side panel, such as providing feedback to the developer via the Feedback button.
The Map function that pinpoints all the Stores recorded in the Price Compare Tool (based on the address input into the tool). From there, you are able to contact the store easily or navigate to the store with just a click.